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Why Celebrate Winter Solstice?


We are in constant motion. Each moment we find ourselves at a pinpoint on a cyclical timeline, each moment a (mostly) unrecognized threshold between past and future. Some moments are more potent, more like gateways, then others. The solstice is one of those. From our view, time (the sun rather) stands still and appears to start moving in the other direction - to the north. Actually, it's the slow still point of when our planet crosses the threshold in its elliptical orbit around the sun.

This time of year we can be easily swayed by certain promises of the future, the loss of the past and it can be challenging to “be present” with dark days and cold mornings. Distractions amass and counting down the days acts like rhythm. But its not quite like the rhythm of night turning to day, winter turning to spring, and so forth. Synching to nature’s rhythm is nurturing and is a reminder of the promise of a new day, promise of light returning, of spring and summer. It can be grounding and stabilizing especially when life feels chaotic. Nature's rhythm is cyclical and when we can connect with it, we widen our perception to the whole and the ever present synchronicities that make up a lifetime.

"Important to note, that our perception is mainly quantitative when related to the linear passage time. But when we are aware of the whole pattern [seasons, solstice, equinox], quality emerges to supercede quantity, and this results in a cyclic perception of time. The stress of linear time, caused by the loss of the past and the insecurity of the future is on the whole pattern of qualities... perception of the Laws of Nature creates an intuitive wisdom and unity [of consciousness]. " from Hidden Reality: The BioGeometry Physics of Quality by Dr. Ibrahim Karim

Celebrating and honoring the solstice simply gives us an opportunity to connect to something greater then ourselves - the mystery, the cosmos, God, Divine, source - a force that is beyond our comprehension that we are a part of. Connection to cyclical time also connects to right brain awareness - which is creative, intuitive. Whereas left brain operates our logical thinking and linear understanding of time. Practices that get us more into our right brain help to balance out the stress of left brain activation resulting in a harmonizing effect.

In what ways big or small can you honor this potent point in time/space? What ways can you synch with nature?

Here are some recommendations:

  • Observe the sunset or sunrise or both on the or around the solstice

  • Practice sun salutations

  • Japa mantra

  • Light a candle every morning during the dark days

  • Reflect on past solstices'

  • Dance

  • Sing

  • Play music

  • Any practices that are done at the same time each morning or evening to observe the change of light

  • Join us for the Winter Solstice at Ananda Yoga Space. Go HERE for list of events.

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